shit they said
‘….punkishly stylish, British-born chef and restaurateur’ -Tatler Magazine, Asia
‘…if you see Sean, grab him. He’s one of the greatest storytellers I’ve ever met!’- New York Magazine
Yorkshire-born Sean Connolly is a creative, a businessman, and an affable geezer with uncompromising drive and a love of rock n roll, art and fashion.
His 40 + year career has seen him win multiple awards and accolades; release his own cookbook and line of Sean Connolly gourmet products; star in 4 TV series and create numerous restaurant concepts and dining destinations across Australia, New Zealand, and the Middle East.
Currently, Sean heads an empire of restaurants in Australia and New Zealand: “Esther” at QT Hotel in Auckland, “Gowings Bar & Dining” at QT Hotel Sydney, “Sean's Kitchen” in Adelaide and, “Steak & Co by Sean Connolly” at West HQ, Sydney.
Sean is also the Culinary Ambassador for the Sydney Fish Market redevelopment in Blackwattle Bay, lending his expertise and culinary insights to the curation of food and beverage offerings on the site and strengthening the Market’s ability to make connections between primary producers and seafood lovers.
Sean works with Australian industry bodies such as Pork Star and Meat and Livestock Australia, Tourism Australia & the South Australian Tourism Commission promoting their interests locally and internationally.
Regardless of the venue or the menu, Sean’s philosophy on food remains consistent - tradition over trend, provenance, and simplistic creativity.
“My art is about minimalism. The ‘less is more’ approach is how I roll every day. It’s what I don't do to a dish rather than what I do. I don't overwork it. I let the ingredients speak for themselves. Beautiful produce, provenance and the thinking behind the dish is what makes me tick.
Simple food, done brilliantly: no foams, no bubbles, no smoke & definitely no f*cking flowers.
My Venues